
Essays on the symbols and study of the written communication or script system used by the ancient Indus Valley civilization.

The Indus Script

Structural Analysis by Parpola No attempt at linguistic decipherment of an unknown script can hope to succeed unless it is preceded by a thorough structural analysis of the available inscriptions to

The Indus Script

The Star Rohini Fig. 2: Modified Fish Signs The Star Rohini Parpola starts with the assumption that the 'dot + fish' sign (Fig.II d) occurring in the 'Fig Deity' seal is likely to represent the deity

The Indus Script

The Indus Squirrel Sign: Title of Murukan The 'Squirrel' Sign: Title of Murukan Fig. 3: Bangles and Squirrel Sign Parpola has proposed reading a pair of signs as 'bangles + squirrel' (Fig.III b),

The Indus Script

Fig Indus Tree + Crab Sign as Proto Rudra 'Fig Tree + Crab' Sign: Proto-Rudra Fig. 4: Fig Tree + Crab Sign and Components Parpola refers to two sets of copper tablets, both with the same inscription
